Beef & Lamb


Church Farm has been rearing beef since 1937, and each year we select our best animals to sell through pre-orders and in our pop-up farm shop. The meat is hung for full flavour and tenderness before being cut and sealed for freshness.

All of our cattle are part of a quality assurance scheme and are raised under high welfare standards. They are fed for 24 months on grass, silage and cereals, and can be seen grazing in the fields around the farm in the summer. We believe it is important to know where your food has come from!


Ellie’s arrival at Church Farm was quickly followed by the acquisition of a small flock of sheep, which live away from the farm. You may have spotted them while driving around the surrounding areas, or visited them for a “Lambing Live” tour at Easter!

Lamb is sold as pre-ordered quarter, half, or whole lambs, or individual cuts are occasionally available through the pop-up farm shop. There is often a waiting list for orders, so please let us know if you would like to be added to the list.